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Cumberland in the 1881 Census

Search for your ancestors in Cumberland in the 1881 Census and discover a detailed snapshot of their life at the time.

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Surnames starting with F

In the 1881 Census for cumberland, there were 8860 people with surnames starting with 'F' in cumberland in 1881. The most common occupations for people in cumberland in 1881 were Scholar for women and Scholar for men. The most common surnames beginning with 'F' in cumberland in 1881 were Fisher, Ferguson, Foster, Forster, Fletcher, Fearon, Fleming, Fell, Fox and Fawcett. People with the most common surnames in cumberland in 1881 were most likely to have the first names of John, William, Mary, Elizabeth, Thomas, Jane, Margaret, James, Joseph or Robert.

Most common surnames beginning with 'F' in cumberland in 1881:

Fachy households

Fadden households

Fagan households

Fahy households

Fairbairn households

Fairburn households

Faircliff households

Fairclough households

Fairer households

Fairey households

Fairfield households

Fairlee households

Fairless households

Fairley households

Fairlie households

Fakes households

Falder households

Faldor households

Fallen households

Fallons households

Falloon households

Fallowes households

Fallowfield households

Fallowfind households

Fallows households

Famley households

Fancourt households

Fanelly Or Farrelly households

Faner households

Fannin households

Fanning households

Farghar households

Farguson households

Farich households

Farish households

Farlam households

Farlan households

Farley households

Farlie households

Farlom households

Farlon households

Farmer households

Farndell households

Farquarharson households

Farquhar households

Farquharson households

Farr households

Farragh households

Farraghar households